24 October 2008


(Detail from 'Money')

At what point I wonder, as a kid do you stop wanting a present for a birthday etc, and start demanding hard currency instead!?

There is nothing better than seeing a large box wrapped in all those fantastic colours and reading your name on it. Then tearing the paper with complete disregard to the care and attention it took to wrap up. Even if it is something you have asked for, the surprise is always nice.

And then you reach that age when these parcels of many colours become almost obsolete, and the shiny coinage takes preference.

However, I have found it goes full circle because the older you get, with the chance of ANY kind of currency coming your way being slim, just having something, anything, even the smallest of boxes is gratefully received!

(90cm x 70cm) SOLD

This original is available at The Westover Gallery in Bournemouth

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