16 June 2009

A New Generation

I have decided to create a new look for my characters for my latest painting. The overall visual impact will obviously remain the same but I wanted to develop the look of the children slightly.

I will carry on producing paintings using the original characters but all being well, I hope to start producing more work using the second generation too. My hope is that people will then have preferences for one generation over the other so should help to add a little more variety of choice and add even more individuality to their chosen painting.

I will post a new image soon and perhaps votes can be cast on which generation is preferred!

Happy Cycling!


Anonymous said...

Hi Scott, good to see a fellow Scot blogging in art... Your paintings are hypnotic, rather like those little people, the viewer is mesmerised. Looking forward to seeing your new look. And guess what the weather is holding (re your last post)
best wishes r.

Scott Carruthers said...

Thanks Rahina.

I currently have work showing at ScotlandArt in Bath Street if you're ever near there.